January is usually a month I devote to planning and goal setting in all areas of my life, art included. I think I only realised that it is already 2025 when I started to prepare various tools I use for planning, both digital and analog. How come it is already 2025?! I recently heard someone younger than me referring to something that happened in the 90’s as “back in the 20th century”. Oh.
Well, this is the nature of life, everything is in motion and new things come to replace old ones. I am generally bad at accepting change, but I noticed that my art practice helped me to start viewing change in a more positive way - as a source of renewal, moving forward and nurturing creativity.
I wish you all a creative and productive year filled with art and inspiration!
Here are some good things from me too you for the month of January:
Yearly reflections and roundups
I collected inspiration from other artists to incorporate some of the ideas into my planning this year:
Reflecting on your year - Louise Fletcher
The good old yearly reflection -
Set Artistic Goals for 2024 that Support Your Artist's Heart - Angela Fehr. While it is a post from last year, it’s of course universal and applicable to planning for 2025 too! :)
Daily Conversations in my sketchbooks -
. Sketchbooks are at the heart of my art practice and I love this idea of having a conversation with yourself in a sketchbook!Sketchbook Exercises with Diane Reeves (free video). A lovely free resource with easy exercises, perfect to get your practice going after the holidays!
Understanding Color Value in Art: How to See Values in Color - Art Studio Life. Value is something I struggle with and want to improve this year, so I love to look for various resources with tips on the topic.
Top 3 things to consider when creating a palette - Victoria Johnson. This is a short, but really useful article on creating appealing colour palettes.
Art Supplies
I’ve planned to restock and renew my art supplies this year and decided to look for some tips from others:
My Favourite Art Supplies - Laura Horn
Favorite Art Supplies - Sandi Hester
My Favorite Art Supplies - Laurie Anne Art
I hope you found something useful and inspiring on this list. Thank you for reading and being here, everyone is greatly appreciated in this space!
Feel free to share this post with a creative friend and I’d be happy to hear from you in the comments.
P.S. I gained quite a bit of new subscribers recently (a massive thank you, you’re very welcome here!), so if you’re new here, you can start with this post and learn a little bit more about my publication:
Until next time!