Here are some things around art and creativity (mostly) that inspired me recently and I decided to share this month:
The Art of wintering. A great free course by Jeanne Oliver for all those who like me struggle seeing beauty in winter.
The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin. A great read that makes you think about the source of our creativity.
Personal Is Universal by Nicholas Wilton. A very inspiring discussion about authenticity.
Minding the Gap by Art Juice Podcast. Louise Fletcher & Alice Sheridan provide useful advice for beginner artists on how to find your unique voice.
How to overcome perfectionism in your creative life by Roben-Marie Smith. Five simple yet practical tips that are easy to incorporate into your creative practice.
15 creative exercises to fill your sketchbook by Marian Parsons. Great ideas for all sketchbook lovers out there!
A Daily Dose of Painting Courage by Will Kemp. A very supportive article about overcoming anxiety and focusing on the process, not on the finished work.
Discover Your ‘Why' by The Intentional Artist. Another great discussion about authenticity and the reasons behind making art.
Favorite Art Supplies by Sandi Hester. I am always inspired by Sandi and the supplies she masterfully uses in her artwork.
8 simple Tricks to take great Photos of your Artwork by Crave Painting. A really helpful article, it covers so many questions!
Hope you find something to inspire you!
Until next time,